The Cost Effective Professional Look

Lashes Last 4-5 Days

Volume Lash Clusters
What are temporary Lash Extenstions?
Temporary lash extension clusters are small groups of false lashes that are glued to the lash line for short-term wear. Our volume lash extensions are designed to create the look of lash extensions but at a fraction of the price and time.
Want the lash filter look without the filter?
How they work
A group of 3–8 individual lashes are bonded together to form a cluster
The cluster is applied to the lash line using temporary lash glue
The number of clusters applied depends on the desired look
Clients can choose a half or full lash looks
Process takes about 15 minutes
Arrive at appointment with product free clean lashes.
On average they last 4-5 days, however some clients get up to 7 days
If you have oily skin your lashes will not last as long as someone with normal to dry skin
Optional: Come in 2-3 weeks before an event to experience the look and feel to know what to expect.